Instructions for submitting a Direct Deposit Form (1199A):

Complete each Section as follows:

Direct Deposit Form

Section 1 (To be completed by Payee)

  1. A. Name of Payee, address and telephone #
  2. B. Property Name
  3. C. Contract # & Owner’s TIN #
  4. D. Type of Depositor Account – (Checking or Savings)
  5. E. Depositor Account #
  6. F. Type of Payment – Check Other and enter Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
  7. G. Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
  8. Original Payee signature and date

Section 2

Government Agency Name – Navigate Affordable Housing Partners

Government Agency Address – 2701 1st Avenue South, Suite 200, Birmingham, AL 35233

Section 3 (To be completed by the Financial Institution)

Original signature of the Bank Representative, signature date, printed name and phone #

1199A’s must be accompanied by a voided check and submitted through the Navigate Client Portal under the Vouchers section.