This page is designed to provide additional help in filling out some of the HUD Forms and worksheets for rent adjustment calculations. We have added comments and helpful tips on each form listed, based on some of the most common errors that we see during paperwork submission.
One year before contract expiration, Owners must notify the tenants of their intentions to renew or not to renew the Section 8 HAP Contract. Your Contract Management Specialist (CMS) will send a reminder letter to you 13 months before contract expiration. The One Year Tenant Notification Letter should be signed and on letterhead. Please click on the sample letters below for additional information:
- One Year Tenant Notification Letter
- Owner Intends to Renew (See Appendix 11-3)
- Owner Does Not Intend to Renew (See Appendix 11-3)
If you intend to renew the Section 8 HAP Contract, you will need to submit the contract renewal request form 120 days before contract expiration. Please see the Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide and our Contract Renewal Page for Option information:
- Contract Renewal Forms (form HUD-9624)
For instructions on how to complete Contract Renewal Forms 9624 click the link above and go to Instructions.
If you choose to renew under Option One, Mark Up To Market, you need to complete the Initial Eligibility Worksheet:
Depending on the rent adjustment method allowed with the option selected, and the requirements of the 24 CFR, you may have to submit a Notice to Tenants. If you are processing a utility allowance analysis and determine that the UA will decrease, a Notice to Tenants is required to notify the tenants of the UA decrease. Click here for Notice to the Tenant requirements. Click on the sample notices below for more information:
Click on the forms below for instructions on filling out HUD rent adjustment worksheets. Check your HAP Contract, Plan of Action, or Use agreement to see the rent adjustment method available for your property.
- OCAF Worksheet With Instructions
- AAF Worksheet – Part I – (See Housing Notice 2002-10)
- AAF Worksheet – Part II – (See Housing Notice 2002-10)
If a budget-based rent increase (BBRI) is submitted and it is determined that the Reserve for Replacement deposits need to be increased for the budgeted year, you must submit a request form for increasing the monthly deposits: