The Relationship Manager (RM) position is responsible for conducting MORs and serves as a local and immediate point of contact for owners and management agents.

MORs are scheduled by the RM at least thirty (30) days in advance, starting with a telephone call to determine a date and time convenient for both parties. In general:

Before the On-Site Review, An Owner Will:

  • Receive a scheduling letter package that confirms the Review date and time, along with a checklist of items that may be submitted in advance of the Review in order to expedite the time on the property
  • Be asked to notify residents (in writing) and on-site staff of the Review date and time should the reviewer wish to speak to them
  • Collect documents that will be reviewed while on site (e.g. EIV Rules of Behavior, work order journals, and logs, etc.)

During the On-Site Review, An Owner Can Expect:

  • To be asked for responses to questions on form HUD 9834
  • An evaluation of policies, procedures, and practices on the property
  • A review of active resident files to verify occupancy-related factors such as eligibility and resident selection, income, and tenant rent
  • A review of move-out files to verify consistent processing and documentation
  • A review of rejected application files to ensure compliance with HUD guidance and the owner’s own policies and procedures
  • A review of the number of vacant units and their occupancy status
  • A review of deficiencies noted on the most recent REAC to determine the status of corrective actions taken (On October 1, 2023, the Multifamily Housing programs, HCV and PBV programs, and the CPD programs will transition from REAC to NSPIRE. Visit the Navigate NSPIRE Page to learn more.)
  • A review of EH&S deficiencies noted on the most recent REAC to verify mitigation

REAC transitions to the NSPIRE model in October 2023. Please visit this page for more information.

At the close of the On-Site Review, An Owner Can Expect:

  • A MOR Exit Meeting to discuss the discrepancies identified during the on-site portion of the MOR
  • To be given the opportunity to provide additional information or documentation to resolve a discrepancy during the MOR Exit meeting so that it does not appear in the MOR report as a Finding
  • To receive a copy of the Exit Meeting form showing all of the discrepancies identified during the on-site portion of the MOR. The form will also denote which items were resolved by the owner/management agent during the Exit Meeting and those items that remain unresolved

Once the MOR is Complete, An Owner Will:

  • Receive a MOR report within thirty (30) days of the on-site Review that includes the Review results and a MOR rating
  • Be required to provide a complete response to any MOR Findings within thirty (30) days of the date on the report letter.
  • Be extended the opportunity to appeal an overall MOR score of Below Average or Unsatisfactory within thirty (30) calendar days of the report letter