Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) are an important task that Navigate performs for HUD in order to verify that property owners and management agents are in compliance with HUD and other federal regulations and their Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract.

Our Relationship Managers conduct MORs annually for each property that is covered under a Project-based Section 8 contract. The MOR consists of:

  • A scheduling letter that is sent at least 30 days in advance of the MOR that includes a request for relevant documents to be provided to Navigate for review in advance of the MOR.
  • An on-site review of a random sampling of resident files.
  • An FHEO compliance review.
  • Follow up of the property’s most recent REAC inspection (REAC will transition to the NSPIRE model in October 2023. Please visit this page.)
  • A report that is sent to the owner/agent and HUD via email within 30 days of the on-site Review indicating the results and rating of the Review.
  • Assisting the owner/agent in responding to any MOR findings within 30 days of the date of the report.

Our Relationship Managers use the Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects HUD Form 9834 to get the results of the review. To prepare for your Review, you can download the HUD Form 9834 document free of charge.

At Navigate, we pride ourselves on customer service and are always committed to positive communication with our clients throughout the MOR process. You will find the forms and resources you need for your next MOR below.

HUD Resources

Check out our MOR Prep video series!

Vickie Bell walks you through the steps!