For those seeking affordable housing in Virginia, understanding the state’s income limits is vital. This guide provides an easy way to find income limits for your specific county or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
2024 Income Limits
Virginia’s affordable housing income limits are based on various factors like median area income and living costs. Knowing these limits is critical to qualifying for housing assistance programs, including Section 8.
Statewide Income Limits
Eligibility for Section 8 housing assistance is assessed by providers based on a family’s total annual gross income and the number of members in the household. This income must not surpass the income limits the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) set. HUD categorizes eligible incomes into three groups:
- Extremely Low-Income (ELI): This category includes incomes not exceeding either 30% of the area’s median family income or the federal poverty guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.
- Very Low Income (VLI): Incomes in this group are at 50% of the median income for the area.
- Low Income (LI): These incomes amount to 80% of the area’s median income.
FY 2024 State Income Limits
Median Family Income |
$113,700 |
Very Low-Income Limit (VLIL) 50% of Median* |
1 Person | 2 Person | 3 Person | 4 Person | 5 Person | 6 Person | 7 Person | 8 Person |
$39,800 | $45,500 | $45,500 | $56,850 | $61,400 | $65,950 | $70,500 | $75,050 |
Extremely Low-Income Limit (ELIL) 30% of Median* |
1 Person | 2 Person | 3 Person | 4 Person | 5 Person | 6 Person | 7 Person | 8 Person |
$23,900 | $27,300 | $30,700 | $34,100 | $36,850 | $39,600 | $42,300 | $45,050 |
Low-Income Limit (LIL) 80% of Median* |
1 Person | 2 Person | 3 Person | 4 Person | 5 Person | 6 Person | 7 Person | 8 Person |
$63,700 | $72,800 | $81,900 | $90,950 | $98,250 | $105,550 | $112,800 | $120,100 |
*Note: Income Limits may not equal exactly 50%, 30%, or 80% of the statewide Median Family Income due to the application of ceilings and floors.
Finding your County or MSA Limits
To ensure you have the most relevant information for your housing needs, it’s essential to check the income limits specific to your county or MSA. This targeted approach helps you understand your area’s unique requirements and opportunities.
- Visit the HUD Income Limits page.
- Select your state from the dropdown list.
- Choose either a county or a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) from the subsequent dropdown list.
- Click ‘View County Limits’ or ‘View MSA Limits’ to see the income limits for your selected area.
The linked page also includes the FY 2023 HUD Metropolitan Fair Market Rent/Income Limits Area (HMFA).
Section 8 FAQs
Section 8, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program, is a federal government program. It assists low-income families, the disabled, and the elderly in affordable housing. Participants may choose any housing that meets program requirements and use housing vouchers to help pay their rent.
A housing choice voucher (HCV) helps very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing.
Those eligible can choose housing types that include single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments. However, the housing must meet the program’s requirements and is not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects.
Public housing agencies (PHAs) administer the vouchers locally. The PHAs receive federal funds HUD sends federal funds to the PHAs to administer the voucher program.
The PHA pays the landlord directly on your behalf.
You are responsible for the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the HCV program.
Yes, under certain circumstances. You may use your voucher to purchase a modest home if the PHA approves.