Chris Shirley
$72 Million in funding is currently available nationwide for communities to help young people who are homeless. The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development is making the funds available in up to 25 communities through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. The YHDP is amplified by young people who have experienced homelessness. It is one of the first Federal initiatives to fund permanent housing for young people. Moreover, the program helps communities better respond to the needs of young people without homes.
“HUD has a responsibility to communities in this nation, especially youth. Housing greatly impacts our education, our employment, and our opportunities to thrive,” said Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. “These grants underscore HUD’s commitment to eradicating homelessness, especially among young people, who all need and deserve a safe place to call home.”
Additionally, communities that receive YHDP funding will be able the dollars for specific, individual needs. For example, communities could use the funds for housing units, wrap-around services, and housing support. Communities will work with youth action boards, child welfare agencies, and other community partners to create a comprehensive plan to end youth homelessness in their areas.
Funding Opportunity Objectives
This Notice of Funding Opportunity highlights the Biden Administration’s commitment to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Specifically, there are seven primary objectives.
- First, the funding plan hopes to build national momentum by motivating agencies to form new partnerships, address system barriers, and more.
- Second, the goal is to promote equity in the delivery and outcomes of homeless assistance.
- The third objective is to highlight the importance of youth leadership.
- Fourth, leaders hope the plan will help evaluate the coordinated community approach.
- In addition, this plan will expand capacity to serve young people experiencing homelessness. It will also evaluate performance measures.
- Finally, the plan establishes a framework for Federal, State, and Local agencies to use a community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness.