Choose Navigate to manage your properties.

Navigate has the experience necessary to flourish as a management company.  Executive leadership has a collective 30 years in the multifamily business, having owned and managed family and elderly/disabled units funded by Section 8 New Construction, Tax Credits and HOME funds.  Additionally, several staff members have broad experience in the multifaceted property management world, having worked on both Section 8 and conventional multifamily properties in the past.

Navigate is one of HUD’s best performing Performance Based Contract Administrator’s (PBCA) in the United States. As PBCA, Navigate pays vouchers, renews contracts and ensures that owners fulfill their obligations to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to eligible families for over 70,000 units in four states (covers 1,000 contracts). We have nearly fourteen years of experience in liaising with many different types of people, understanding local landlord-tenant laws and creating protocols that are both effective and efficient.

In short, Navigate knows what it takes to operate and manage affordable housing.